Meet the Barn Cats, the House Cats, and the Yard Birds!
A menopausal Frizzled Ameracauna, she is our oldest hen. She came with us from Florida, and loves lap-time and hanging out with 'her' goats.
Colette is a Black Copper Marans, a French breed. She's a big girl, and lays gorgeous deep dark brown eggs. A very kind chicken, she takes good care of Phyllis.
The "Vdf's" are Magdalena, Isabella, Katerina, Josephina, Wilhelmina and Babette. Maggie, Izzy and Katie are Ameracauna and will lay green eggs. We're working on being snuggly. Josie and Willie are Buff Orpingtons, and party girls. They are the last to go to bed at night. Babette is a Cuckoo Marans. She is a total love bug.
Daisy and the ever-elusive Cookie, are holding down the loom and making sure it doesn't get away from the sunbeam.
Badge, who is MUCH larger than he appears here, is a total fiber cat. He LOVES laying in batts as they come off the drum carder.
Abby was our little old lady cat and knitting critic. She was feral for years (and years) but had become more social since we moved here. We lost her at 16, and are still heartbroken about it.
Sis is our little old man cat. Yes. Male. There's a story behind that. He is vice president in charge of naps and snacks.